Nothing as such. I am going nowhere, just saw Dasvidaniya, and thought to share it. Touching touching touching!!!! (if aurangjeb aka Rai reads this, will say has it even touched your balls?). But the movie was a very relaxing movie. Although the story was predictable but still, it simply has all the flavors of life, which a man wishes to taste, this is what Amar Kaul (Vinay Pathak) wishes to do, before he dies of stomach cancer( like Marpok of Munnai Bhai MBBS - rightly said by Ranvir). "Dasvidaniya" means "Good Bye" in russian, which is evident in the movie, and thats what Amar kaul's love wishes him.
The movie reminded me of all the things in life, I feel are, my prized possessions. All those moments lived till date with all the people I have met have been wonderful. Some times we need to give a break to the life which we are living, to just sit back a relax, ans think and analyze and feel the happyness with a Y, and then start of again. What is important is not to get lost and so busy and so fast in life, that you leave evryone behind. Success can only be celebrated when you are together, else every effort will be invain.
Care for your loved ones !!!!